Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor of the Grandview Heights Education Foundation. Sponsorship, general donations, and annual event ticket sales serve as the primary fundraiser for the Foundation.
Sponsorship Levels
VISIONARY – $10,000:
Eight (10) tickets to the Grand Event
Invitation to other donor events throughout the year
Prominent logo/name recognition on all promotions and at the venue
Link to your business on the Foundation website
Recognition from the stage during the Grand Event by the GHMCEF President
Social media promotion/recognition leading up to event
Inclusion in media alert and public outreach leading up to event
Six (6) tickets to the Grand Event
Invitation to other donor events throughout the year
Logo/name recognition on all promotions and at the venue
Link to your business on the Foundation website
Recognition from the stage during the Grand Event by the GHMCEF President
SCHOLAR – $2,500:
Four (4) tickets to the Grand Event
Invitation to other donor events throughout the year
Name recognition on all promotions and at the venue
Link to your business on the Foundation website
Recognition from the stage during the Grand Event by the GHMCEF President
HONOR ROLL - $1,000:
Two (2) tickets to the Grand Event
Name recognition on all promotions and at the venue
Link to your business on the Foundation website
MERIT ROLL - $500:
Name recognition on all promotions and at the venue
Link to your business on the Foundation website
ACHIEVER - $250:
Name recognition on all promotions and at the venue
Link to your business on the Foundation website